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  • 2021/9/4
    Wang Cailian, Secretary of Yongjia County Party committee, Hu songxiao, deputy county magistrate, and his party visited the stunt valve group to carry out special research on the development of pump and valve industry
           On September 3, Wang Cailian, Secretary of Yongjia County Party committee, and Hu songxiao, deputy county magistrate, visited the stunt valve group to carry out special research on the development of pump and valve industry. The main principals of the county development and Reform Bureau, the county economic and Information Bureau, the county asset Planning Bureau and

  • 2020/10/8
    Teji Valve Group Co., Ltd. has successfully obtained Zhejiang manufacturing certification and Zhejiang manufacturing certification international mutual recognition certificates
    Recently, the group company successfully obtained the "Zhejiang manufacturing certification" and "Zhejiang Manufacturing Certification international Recognition" certificates. The "Made in Zhejiang" and "good" logo is an important measure for the provincial government to implement the innovation-driven development strategy and create an "upgraded version" of Zhejiang's economy.Org

  • 2020/10/8
    Shanghai Teji valve Co., Ltd. went to Hongyuan County, Sichuan province to carry out the matchmaking ceremony of Ten thousand enterprises help ten thousand villages
    It is a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee to carry out coordination and counterpart assistance in poverty alleviation between the east and the west.Yongjia County Party Committee and county government attach great importance to the coordination of poverty alleviation between the east and the west. While strengthening the assistance, they hope that the two places can take this opp

  • 2020/7/9
    The basketball team of Teji Valve Group Co., Ltd. won the group competition in the summer cup hosted by Yongjia Basketball Association
      Sponsored by Yongjia County Basketball Association on July 9, 2020 - the 9th yongjia County "Huhong Champion House Cup" Summer Basketball League - Group Match; Held in yongjia County Shangtang town stadium,Teji valve Group Co., Ltd. team won three consecutive results.

  • 2020/6/30
    Teji valve group staff physical examination - the best, most intimate benefits
    On June 27 and 28, Teji Valve Group organized all administrative staff to have a physical examination.Many employees say it's the best and most thoughtful benefit they've ever received. At 7:30 in the morning, employees will go to Yongjia Friendly physical Examination Center in two batches.Some employees were already waiting in line for medical checks. Zhou Xingbiao, deputy g

  • 2020/6/29
    Our company held the publicity and implementation meeting for the middle-level backbone of the establishment of trade secret protection demonstration point and the signing ceremony of confidentiality agreement
    On June 29, in response to the call of the county government to establish a demonstration site of trade secrets protection, the company convened the middle-level management backbone to hold a middle-level publicity meeting and a confidentiality agreement signing ceremony. On the meeting, the minister of administration department of The week, delivered and read out

  • 2020/3/25
    March 25, 2020 Julong Enterprise Honorary award
      On March 25, Lin Jianbo, executive deputy head of the county, awarded the "dragon Enterprise of the Year 2019" brand for the special effects valve and the "Dragon Entrepreneur of the Year 2019" honorary certificate for Wu Dong.

  • 2020/2/26
    Yongjia County Party secretary Wang Cailian visited our company to guide the resumption of work and production
    Secretary Wang Cailian to the special effects valve Group Co., LTD., the resumption of work and production of thematic research, and for the enterprise sent "policy red envelope".We will give full support to and organize enterprises to speed up the resumption of work and production to lay a solid foundation for high-quality economic and social development. County leaders Lin Jianbo, Pan Jianyon

  • 2019/11/8
    November 8, 2019 veteran recruitment fair
    On November 8th, our company attended the 2019 veterans' welcome ceremony for returning home and the special job fair for veterans held in our county. Our company provides business sales, engineer assistant, production technology and many jobs for veterans.

  • 2018/4/5
    Records of party building activities in 2018
    April 5th, the party branch of the company organized party members and outstanding employees to visit and study the Party Committee of Baiyang Village, She Minority township, Xianmen, Fuding City.   "Taking history as a mirror, one can know the rise and fall; By learning from people, one can gain and lose." After the visit, everyone said that the activity w

  • 2014/12/1
    Innovation is realistic and sincere
    Strives for realism the innovation,Sincere to the letter ——Stunt Valve: Relying on the power of science and Technology to achieve "stunt Dream" From ou north valve group to factory to area, from single product to the countryside of Chinese pump valve leading enterprises, in recent years, special valve group co., LTD., strive to build "to the enterprise as the main body, the market

  • 2013/4/16
    In 2013, Pierre Thevignot from France Association of Experts and Consultants visited our company for investigation and guidance
      On April 16, Pierre Thevignot from The French Association of Experts and Consultants visited our company for investigation and guidance. Established in 1975, the Echanges et Consultations Techniques International (ECTI) is an independent, non-profit, private association that utilizes the experience and competence of its members to advise and advise enterprises or units around the

  • 2012/11/18
    In 2012, The special effects valve Group successfully passed the acceptance of new industrial products at the provincial level
    On November 18, entrusted by Zhejiang Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Yongjia County Bureau of Economy, Commerce and Information technology organized a review meeting of two provincial-level new products, "multi-function double safety stop relief valve" and "large diameter high-pressure ball valve for long gas pipeline transportation", which were dev

  • 2012/1/27
    Poverty alleviation in North Ao Village in 2012
    Give warmth and love ——Record the condolences in North Ao village of Yongjia County January 27th to better express corporate social responsibility, Chairman Wu Xianjin led the team to North Ao village to help and console.   Before leaving, general manager Wu Xianjin made several Suggestions to the village head of Beiao and encouraged them to overcom

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