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Teji valve group staff physical examination - the best, most intimate benefits
Release time:2020/6/30

On June 27 and 28, Teji Valve Group organized all administrative staff to have a physical examination.Many employees say it's the best and most thoughtful benefit they've ever received.

At 7:30 in the morning, employees will go to Yongjia Friendly physical Examination Center in two batches.Some employees were already waiting in line for medical checks.

Zhou Xingbiao, deputy general manager of the group, said that the physical examination is a warming-sending activity initiated by the company to ensure the health of employees and build a harmonious enterprise.Early detection of health problems through physical examination, to provide a variety of medical care consulting and services, so that employees can enjoy professional personalized guidance, through health interventions, reduce the incidence of illness and sub-health status of employees, show the real concern of the enterprise to employees.The cost of the medical examination was far over budget, and the company's board of directors did not hesitate to fund the event.

Wu Xianjin, the chairman of the group, also encouraged the management to share the development achievements with the enterprise, and the enterprise should be the bosom friend and heart-warming person of the employees.We should make good use of corporate welfare, and put the warm "sunshine" in the most "soft" part of people's hearts, so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of our employees for creating reputation and increasing efficiency.
