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The Three Barrels of Oil Continuously Increase New Energy Business
Release time:2023/9/22

Focusing on the "dual carbon" goal, the recent "three barrels of oil" have orderly promoted the adjustment and optimization of energy consumption structure, continuously making efforts in new energy business, and investing with unique characteristics. PetroChina is accelerating the development of onshore new energy and electric transportation business, Sinopec is investing in hydrogen and chemical industries, and CNOOC is mainly focusing on offshore wind power.
It is reported that in the first half of this year, China's production and sales of new energy vehicles reached a historic high, with year-on-year growth of 42.4% and 44.1%, respectively. The vigorous development of new energy vehicles has brought about strong demand for charging, and at the same time, it has put forward higher requirements for accelerating the construction of charging infrastructure. Putian New Energy has a layout in areas such as vehicle technology, power batteries, charging equipment, carbon trading, and value-added services, providing an overall solution for the promotion and operation of urban new energy vehicle applications. PetroChina stated that it will seize the window period for the development of the new energy industry, complete the strategic layout of the charging pile business in the country, and strive to enter the ranks of top charging and swapping enterprises.

At present, PetroChina is accelerating the development of new energy businesses such as distributed photovoltaic power generation, charging and swapping, and hydrogen energy, striving to build a "low-carbon energy ecosystem" that integrates the development of fossil energy and clean energy.

As of the end of the first half of this year, PetroChina has built a total of 929 photovoltaic stations (warehouses), 495 charging stations, 37 exchange stations, 15 hydrogen refueling stations, and 43 comprehensive energy service stations.

Sinopec stated that it has formulated a green transformation development strategic plan for the future, accelerating the development of new energy and high-end chemical materials with hydrogen energy as the core, and focusing on building a world leading clean energy chemical company. In the first half of the year, Sinopec continued to promote energy conservation and consumption reduction, reducing emissions of 2.26 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent; Recycling and utilizing 843000 tons of carbon dioxide and 434 million cubic meters of methane is equivalent to reducing emissions of 6.51 million tons of carbon dioxide.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) stated that it will fully rely on its ability to develop marine resources, actively layout its new energy business, and accelerate the development of offshore wind power. Focusing on shore power projects and intelligent oilfield construction, we will promote the construction of a green and low-carbon control system. In the first half of the year, the "CNOOC Mission Hills" and the Wenchang Deep Sea Floating Wind Power Demonstration Application Project were successfully connected to the grid for power generation, opening up the wind power business from shallow to deep seas; The carbon capture and storage demonstration project of Enping 15-1 oilfield has been successfully put into use, filling the gap in China's offshore carbon dioxide storage technology.