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  • 2023/11/11
    The largest liquefied natural gas storage tank in China has been put into use, with a localization level of 95%!
    On November 2nd, China's independently developed first 270000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas storage tank was put into operation in Qingdao, which is also the largest liquefied natural gas storage tank in China. Its operation has greatly improved the natural gas supply guarantee capacity in North China. The first 270000 cubic meter liquefied natural gas stor

  • 2023/11/11
    The Dalaoba Gas Storage Reservoir in Northwest Oilfield has entered the stage of gas production and supply guarantee
    In early October, the Dalaoba gas storage in Northwest Oilfield transitioned from the summer gas injection stage to the winter gas production and supply guarantee stage, with an annual working gas volume of up to 200 million cubic meters, effectively ensuring winter natural gas supply. Since last year, in response to the rapid growth of natural gas production in

  • 2023/10/20
    Valve sealing surface material selection factors to consider
    Sealing surface is the most critical working face of the valve, the quality of the sealing surface directly affects the service life of the valve, and the material of the sealing surface is an important factor to ensure the quality of the sealing surface. Therefore, the following factors should be considered when selecting valve sealing surface materials: ① Corro

  • 2023/9/22
    The Three Barrels of Oil Continuously Increase New Energy Business
    Focusing on the "dual carbon" goal, the recent "three barrels of oil" have orderly promoted the adjustment and optimization of energy consumption structure, continuously making efforts in new energy business, and investing with unique characteristics. PetroChina is accelerating the development of onshore new energy and electric transportation business, Sinopec is investing in hydrog

  • 2023/9/15
    Three Supporting Factors for Strong Growth of Steel Exports
    This year's strong growth in China's steel exports is mainly supported by three major factors: One is the strong competitiveness of Chinese steel products. Although the uncertainty of the world economy has increased this year, the global manufacturing industry is in a contraction range due to the downturn (Global Manufacturing PMI Index), frequent manufacturing trade frictions in

  • 2023/9/8
    Northwest Oilfield's Oil and Gas Production Reached a New High in the First Half of the Year
    In the first half of the year, the oil and gas production equivalent of Northwest Oilfield reached 4.79 million tons, setting a new historical high for the same period and achieving stable growth for 7 consecutive years. Since the beginning of this year, Northwest Oilfield has focused on increasing storage, production, and efficiency, continuously incre

  • 2023/8/18
    Localization of thrust bearings for compressor units in Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Industry
    Recently, the cracking gas compressor unit of the No. 1 ethylene cracking unit of Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Corporation achieved continuous and stable operation, marking the successful completion of the localization task of the thrust bearing of the compressor unit. This is the first time that the compressor thrust bearing of the large-scale cracking unit of Zhenhai Refining

  • 2023/8/11
    Shengli Oilfield's oil and gas production in the first 7 months exceeded the plan
    Since the beginning of this year, Shengli Oilfield has consolidated its resource foundation, strengthened efficiency development, and continuously promoted the increase of reserves, production, and cost reduction. In the first seven months, it produced 13.5639 million tons of crude oil and 500 million cubic meters of natural gas, both exceeding the planned operation. Intensify

  • 2023/7/21
    Definition and difference of safety valve and relief valve
    Safety relief valve (safety relief valve), also known as safety relief valve an automatic pressure relief device driven by medium pressure. According to the use of different occasions can be used as a safety valve or a relief valve. In Japan, for example, to the safety valve and relief valve to make a clear definition of relatively few, generally used as a boiler

  • 2023/7/14
    The production of new wells in Zhongyuan Oilfield exceeded the plan and was completed
    As of November 14th, Zhongyuan Oilfield has put into operation 115 new wells this year, with a cumulative oil production exceeding the planned operation by 5500 tons, an increase of 25500 tons compared to the same period last year, completing 110% of the annual planned production and achieving a new high in new well production in the past 8 years, la

  • 2020/7/16
    Domestic VS imported valve, how will you choose?
    Domestic VS imported valve, how will you choose?As the saying goes, "the moon is bright at home," but now more and more people admire foreign imports.In the industrial sector, the trend is slowly spreading.Just say a common valve, same material, same function, the price of imported goods can be multiplied several times.Imported valve products in the price set their own unique style, but even if

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